Bob Stewart’s
Top 10 Reasons Real Estate Agents Should Attend BuiltHOW LIVE
1. Sara Blakely: The founder of SPANX. She revolutionized the undergarment industry with just $5,000 and a “lucky” red backpack. Join me for an inspirational discussion with one of the youngest self-made female billionaires. And trust me, if you’ve been worn by the market, she is a mega-inspiration you have to hear from.
2. Diverse Success Stories: Our speakers are a powerhouse lineup of industry titans. They’ll unveil their strategies for you to replicate. This isn’t just motivation; it’s a blueprint for your triumph. BuiltHOW LIVE rocks a two-fold mission — it showcases real estate champs who’ve built their empires in all sorts of ways— and the rest is about boosting your life and mindset.
3. Financial Potential: My wife and I put some BuiltHOW LIVE wisdom to work, and guess what? We’ve got an extra $150,000 in our pockets now, thanks to these amazing tax strategies. Accelerated depreciation, the Augusta rule, and other mind-blowing tactics were dropped by folks much smarter than me. Plus, the trip itself counts as a write-off!
4. Elite Networking: Picture this — 2,500 to 3,000 of the crème de la crème of business.These are the heavy hitters, the ones racking up billions in sales. They’re practically a treasure trove of learning, networking, and leveling up.
5. Jesse Itzler: This guy is pure entrepreneurial energy, co-founder of Marquis Jet and Zico Coconut Water, plus part owner of the Atlanta Hawks NBA team! Jesse even trained with Navy SEAL David Goggins, completed several 100+ mile races as an endurance athlete, and even lived with monks to unpack the meaning of happiness and gratitude.
6. Your Brilliant Hosts: Ben Kinney, Chris Suarez, and Debbie De Grote — successful entrepreneurs who each bring unique expertise, holding the master keys to coaching, the real estate market, growth, and people. Their incisive questions reveal exactly how the pros do it, so you can implement their strategies right away.
7. Phoenix in September: BuiltHOW LIVE happens in Phoenix from September 12th to 14th. It’s the sweet spot in the desert’s calendar. The weather will cool down enough so your steering wheel won’t melt, but it’s not overrun by snowbirds jacking up hotel prices. And if you’re into golf, bring your clubs.
8. Yours are Welcome: Show up with your people; bring your loved ones. Anyone at this event will soak up a lifetime’s worth of value. And, the amount to be learned for agents far exceeds any real estate event I’ve ever attended (and I’ve been to them all).
9. Incredible Value: BuiltHOW LIVE is the BEST value I’ve seen for a conference of this magnitude. You get 2.5 days of learning, networking, and growth opportunities with big names inside and outside of the real estate industry at an extremely affordable price point.
10. Game-Changing Tactics: You can’t afford to miss this event. It will change more than your business and knowledge – it will change your life. I don’t even sell real estate and my life and my family’s financial future has significantly improved since attending BuiltHOW LIVE.
That’s only the top 10 reasons I’m counting down the days until September 12, 2023 — I could keep going, but you’ll find out for yourself in Phoenix. Will I see you there?